We pride ourselves on being able to accommodate a wide variety of policy types. We specialize in structured payments, what you might receive with insurance settlements. We also work with talented individuals trying to build a personal brand. In addition, we assist businesses that require funds for the sale or inventory of their products or services.

If you have future funds that are either guaranteed or highly likely to materialize we will build the optimal solution that allows you to receive the funds you need without waiting for future payments to arrive.
The timeframe for funding varies. We can get you approved for a partial amount immediately, depending upon the nature of your contract. Should you have further questions or concerns regarding the process, feel free to reach out to a Moola respresentative for a more accurate estimate.
It's not a problem! We can work with any servicing company that might still be handling your periodic payments. It will considerably speed up the process if you provide your previous records.
The major benefits of selecting Moola over other companies include maximizing your policy's payout and our swift transaction processing. Other companies use an extremely high discount rate when calculating your policy value, at times even predatory, which leaves more in their pocket.

Using our propietary technology we adjust our rates in real time according to market conditions providing you with more accurate rates, so we can put that money back in your pocket.

If we need additional information to process your transaction, a representative of Moola will reach out to you within 24 hours. Short answer, it depends on the type of contract you have. You may be asked to provide additional information or consult with one of our analysts. In special cases it may be necessary to record a short video or visit a judicial facility.
After your policy has been certified and processed, simply use the Moola mobile app to request a payout by tapping on the Vault from the home screen. You will receive an email with a personalized link that will allow you to select a physical check or link your existing bank account and transfer the funds electronically.